I have a LOT of Christmas sewing to do. The good news is, the shopping is pretty much all done! I actually used a lot of the fabric I already have on hand, and I've been collecting other gifts and stocking stuffers when I see them, for several months. I finished crocheting Kelby's hat last night. It will go in his (yet to be made) stocking along with the Captain Hook sword I found on clearance after Halloween :) What else do you get for a one-year-old boy's stocking??

My friend Angela came over yesterday. I am helping her make a quilt (I'll have pictures to share in about a month, I'm soo excited and proud of her) and she taught me a little bit about the manual settings on the camera that I bought from her in July. I'm so excited! I played around with it a lot last night and all three of these pics were taken without flash, on manual settings! I know there's still room for improvement, but what a difference!!!

I think this is such a sweet photo of Kelby and Casey. And look at the top left, I even got some sun flare in there!!!

And here is one of our breakfast for dinner (a Friday night tradition.) Insignificant subject, I know, but you should see the one on Auto setting cause this one is much better :)
Makes me want to make a new blog header, hehe.

My friend Angela came over yesterday. I am helping her make a quilt (I'll have pictures to share in about a month, I'm soo excited and proud of her) and she taught me a little bit about the manual settings on the camera that I bought from her in July. I'm so excited! I played around with it a lot last night and all three of these pics were taken without flash, on manual settings! I know there's still room for improvement, but what a difference!!!

I think this is such a sweet photo of Kelby and Casey. And look at the top left, I even got some sun flare in there!!!

And here is one of our breakfast for dinner (a Friday night tradition.) Insignificant subject, I know, but you should see the one on Auto setting cause this one is much better :)
Makes me want to make a new blog header, hehe.
that is a awfully cute little hat!!! great job