I would love to share a current reading list with you :) Now that I'm doing less mandatory reading for school, I have more time to read for pleasure; not that I wasn't squeezing some of that in anyway!
I started Vanity Fair a few months ago, right after reading Great Expectations. These are two whoppers of classic literature, but I am reallllly liking Vanity Fair. Today I passed up page 600, out of 850, so the end is in sight and I am excited to find out what happens! Then I'll watch the movie, I suppose, but I know it won't do it justice. We'll see.
After this doozy, I'm going to read The Help....because I need something shorter and everyone says it's wonderful...and because I like to read the book before I see the movie of anything!
Next up, I ordered My ABC Bible Verses for the kiddos because I'd read some good things about it. We love this book!! I read one story and verse to the kids every several days and then we review the verses we've learned. Not only do they remember the verses (when I say, "does anyone remember the A verse, the B verse, etc..."), but the verses are very applicable to the life of a child and so I can say, "Was that a kind answer or a harsh one? What kind of answer turns away anger??" Good lessons for mommies too ;) Highly recommend.
Thirdly, a friend let me borrow Things That Can Not Be Shaken and I am working my way through it slowly and thoughtfully. It really confronts doubt in a Christian's life and so far, it is a very worthwhile read. The subtitle reads, "Holding fast to your faith in a relativistic world".
The same friend (thanks, Amanda :) told me about the On-the-Go devotional series. I started with the contentment one because for some reason, this one was much cheaper for my Nook than the others. I really like it with my morning coffee :)
Last but not least, and back to the classics--sometime around February or March, I heard there was a new Jane Eyre movie coming to theaters. I think I remember reading the book in high school, but I wanted to read it again and boy, did I love it! You can read my review of the book on Goodreads right here. I never made it to the movie, but it finally came out for rent last weekend and I rented it. It was SO good and SO true to the story!!!! I always love it when that happens :)
Happy reading!
Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books. Two years ago I directed a musical version and it was such a great experience. I loved the new movie and highly recommend it. I had one small disagreement with the very end (I'll tell you about it later when you have seen it) but overall it was beautiful. I think this is my favorite of the many Janes I have seen over the years. I love the message of the redeeming power of love.
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