Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a new necklace

I've been seeing these around and was itching to make one. I WAS going to use Amy Butler's free pattern. I had the beads bought and everything, but I was torn on the fabric because she said to cut bias strips, which uses much more fabric, and I didn't want to part with anything that big. BUT, then I ran across this post and was so thrilled for the easier version! Bias strips? Why?? Leave it to you-know-who to make things more complicated than they need to be. Ahem. Just sayin'.

I really love the finished product. It's perfect for what was left of my Heather Bailey fabric and I think I'll wear it a lot and probably make another one. And some for gifts. (I took lots of pics of myself wearing this necklace and found it difficult to take a non-risque-looking one, so just know that wan't my intention :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!!! I really love all your new photos too! You are doing a fantastic job!!! I want to know how you got your pictures bigger too! I miss you and can't wait to get together when I get back!
