Saturday, March 29, 2014

On the road

Hey, this is my first ever blog post from my iPhone, haha! Just thought I'd check in from Frankfurt, KY. We've been making the most of hotel life since Monday. Movers came, packed, loaded and left with our stuff, Casey hired a cleaner this time for the house (whata guy) and we hit the road yesterday. 

I've taken some phone pics I thought I'd share. You can follow me on Instagram if you want! I update our adventures there pretty actively. Find me there as nikkischreiner. 

There are some blessings to being without your stuff. I've taught Layla to play solitaire and war and other card games. And I taught Natalie to make friendship bracelets the old fashioned way and how to make lanyard key chains. Did you used to make those!? So fun. So anyway, these are things I'd be too distracted to do at home with other things I need or want to be doing and it was nice to have a chance to get on the floor with my kids without distractions ... Like my sewing room, for example ;)

Cheers! :)


  1. As Nakisha said, Safe Travels!!!

  2. I want to follow you on instagram...just have to figure it out first. Have a fun, safe trip!
