Here goes:
- What is your favorite holiday tradition?
2. Have you started any new traditions with your family that you didn't practice growing up?
I would love to say that we have some great new traditions, but we're still a young family and last year was the first Christmas we had just the four (then three) of us so we are still developing new traditions. We do buy the girls new ornaments every year and this year Natalie and I made gingerbread ornaments, which was so much fun, I'd like to make it a yearly thing. Also, my sister's family practices this great Christmas liturgy throughout December that I'd like to put into practice myself next year. (You can read about that here.)
3. What do you love most about the holiday season?
Hmmm, what's not to love? I love the music (Natalie and I dance to Bing Crosby after lunch every day,) the decorating, the spirit everyone seems to be in, the Christmas Eve services, making gifts, and most of all, the wonderful Reason for the Season, as if the whole Christmas season is one huge reminder of what we have to be so thankful for, the birth of Christ our Saviour! We have so much to celebrate!!!
4. What do you like least about the holiday season?
I don't like the frantic busyness. I was standing in line at Target the other day and the young couple at the next register had $340 worth of toys rung up and the conveyor belt was still full of more toys!!! I wish gift-giving were more thoughtful, as a rule, and less obligatory.
5. Anyone close to your heart that you'll be missing this year?
Soo many! My parents in Mongolia, (yes, Mongolia,) my sister and her family in Washington, my Aunt, my Grandpa and his wife in California, and my Granny, who passed away three and a half years ago. (The best, most inspiring and funniest woman ever.) Ah, we're together in spirit, though!
6. What is your favorite holiday food?
My mom used to make "Green Stuff" every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's actually Watergate Salad, I think, and I was pretty much the only person who liked it, but she always made it, even if it was only me eating it for days on end. I don't think I would call it my favorite holiday food, but maybe a favorite holiday food memory. Hehehe, sorry, Mom ;)
7. Do you have a great recipe to share?
Here is the Monkey Bread that we ate every Christmas morning growing up and that I still make for special occasions in our own family:
3 cans buttermilk biscuits
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 stick butter
3/4 cups sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
Mix 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Cut biscuits into fourths and dip into mixture. Pile into greased deep round pan or spring pan. Melt butter and add 3/4 cup sugar and 2/4 tsp cinnamon. Heat until sugar melts and then pour over biscuits. Bake 30-45 minutes at 350. Let stand 10 minutes and then invert.
What a lucky nephew.