Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More Mongolia

It's so hard to choose favorites! But here they are, the rest of my favorite photos from my time in Mongolia:

This is a shrine at an active Buddhist monastery we visited. Although the architecture is beautiful, as a Christian, it was hard to forget that the majority of Mongolia practices Buddhism and thus worships a false God. It's difficult to see people literally praying to idols and not feel compelled to pray for them as they pray, but to the One True God who truly does heal.

The monastery was FILLED with pigeons. Scary, crazy pigeons! To me, anyway ;) This lady sits outside and sells bags of seed. I snapped this pic before she started yelling at me.

Luckily, we were visiting Monolia during Naadam, their Summer holiday, which meant we got to see some seriously COOL stuff going on around the city!! The following photos are in the square, where there was a fashion show and people dressed in traditional costume. So cool.
Mongolian women are suuuuuuuuper pretty.

The view from my parents' apartment:

Another Buddhist shrine off the side of the road. People leave scarves, money, and mementos and ask for healing.
The beautiful Mongolian countryside:

My sis and I...

If you'd like to see alllllll my Mongolia photos, you can visit the whole set on Flickr. Some were my Mom's, just to give credit where credit is due ;)

Tomorrow, I'll start on China! I have some pretty humorous tales to tell. Seriously. Funny stuff.


  1. The reason the bird seed yelled at you is that it is rude to take pictures of people without asking. Also, she probably expects a payment, as sitting there for tourist photos is probably a large part of her income.

  2. We bought two bags of birdseed from her...more than we needed.

    From an anonymous responder:-)
