I already showed you the little octopus I made for Layla's stocking, but I also managed to finish Natalie's fish before Christmas too! She turned out really cute. Both of these are from this great book, if you missed that before :)

Since I like that little book so much, Casey got me this one for Christmas!! I was very excited and can't wait to make something from it. The birdie mobile, the hot air balloon and the tea set are really calling my name :)

But first, before our drive down to see Casey's family over Christmas, I was able to print off the instructions for this lovely heart garland. I wanted to get started so we can hang it up in February. The girls really like these little hearts because....well, because they're girls. I have two more to make and then I'll block them so they'll stay flat and then show you the finished product closer to Valentines day.

Also, I went to JoAnn today to hit their big yarn sale. I don't buy yarn very often because with the little things I've been making it tends to last awhile. But, I did recently go through the tubs of yarn I had downstairs and get rid of almost all of it because it was the yucky, cheap, scratchy stuff from about five years ago. Really that was all you could get cheap back then it seems, but yarn has really stepped up in recent years and given us great, inexpensive, SOFT yarn to choose from :) Anyway...I found this pattern on Ravelry last night (great site, it's free to become a member and worth the short wait) and really want to try it. So, instead of buying the recommended Rowan Big Wool, I went with this super soft and much less expensive Sensations bulky yarn. Hopefully it will go well and I'll be able to show you soon ;)

I hope this post may have inspired someone to learn to crochet!! It's much faster and less intimidating than knitting in my opinion, plus takes less yarn, plus is easier to fix your boo-boos :) It's easy to learn and easy to teach and once you know a few basic things, you will be off and running, I promise! Plus, it keeps you busy while your husband watches Dirty Jobs and the like ;) If you need some more inspiration, check out these links...
Since I like that little book so much, Casey got me this one for Christmas!! I was very excited and can't wait to make something from it. The birdie mobile, the hot air balloon and the tea set are really calling my name :)
But first, before our drive down to see Casey's family over Christmas, I was able to print off the instructions for this lovely heart garland. I wanted to get started so we can hang it up in February. The girls really like these little hearts because....well, because they're girls. I have two more to make and then I'll block them so they'll stay flat and then show you the finished product closer to Valentines day.
Also, I went to JoAnn today to hit their big yarn sale. I don't buy yarn very often because with the little things I've been making it tends to last awhile. But, I did recently go through the tubs of yarn I had downstairs and get rid of almost all of it because it was the yucky, cheap, scratchy stuff from about five years ago. Really that was all you could get cheap back then it seems, but yarn has really stepped up in recent years and given us great, inexpensive, SOFT yarn to choose from :) Anyway...I found this pattern on Ravelry last night (great site, it's free to become a member and worth the short wait) and really want to try it. So, instead of buying the recommended Rowan Big Wool, I went with this super soft and much less expensive Sensations bulky yarn. Hopefully it will go well and I'll be able to show you soon ;)
I hope this post may have inspired someone to learn to crochet!! It's much faster and less intimidating than knitting in my opinion, plus takes less yarn, plus is easier to fix your boo-boos :) It's easy to learn and easy to teach and once you know a few basic things, you will be off and running, I promise! Plus, it keeps you busy while your husband watches Dirty Jobs and the like ;) If you need some more inspiration, check out these links...
There ya go, crochet away!