I didn't keep a whole lot of things from my childhood, but I have always kept my little box of paper dolls. My sister and I used to love these and I had all kinds. The other night, I pulled them out for the girls to see. I couldn't believe how entertained they were!! This is Miss Piggy...obviously :)

And these are a few handmade paper dolls that I made when I was kiddo. I LOVED doing this. This bunny had a wardrobe bigger than mine, I think ;) This is his picnic outfit. He had a blanket and picnic basket to go with it.

Here is another guy I made, in his baseball outfit. I can't remember his name now, but I remember being really upset when he got left outside and sprinkled on one day. Hence the runny marker on his big nose.
Just thought I'd share, in case your little ones need some creative outlets this summer. I can't wait til mine are old enough to make their own paper dolls!
those are really cool! you were really creative even then:)