Yesterday was a good one for us. We started the day out at a huge church garage sale, where I scored this awesome vintage Brew Pot. These peonies grow behind my house, so we get to enjoy them all Spring. Aren't they beautiful?

AND, I hit the jackpot of vintage childrens' books! These were 25 cents each!!!

Then we headed south for the fourth annual Nana & Papa party. This picture contains only some of the 15 (or more?) great grandchildren of Casey's grandparents.

There is some kind of initiation ritual in Casey's family, in which all the babies have to stand on a hand :) This is Uncle Korey inducting Kelby into the family. He was a good sport.

In other news, we sent our wonderful hubby and daddy off this morning for Officer Training School for the U.S. Army. We really miss him already!! Before he left, I compiled this book of photos of the kids that my dear friend
Angela took a few months ago. We brought along some of his army gear as props and they are absolutely amazing pictures. I'll share more on that soon!
And, just for fun :)
I'm off to finish my picnic quilt. Yay!
OMG, the video of Kelby walking is so dang cute! You guys sure make cute babies!