We have been in a wonderful flurry of Christmas projects around here. Casey put together the girls' play kitchen the other night and it's soooo cute, we cannot wait to give it them. They are going to love it so much!!!!! (Yep, those are the instructions he's holding up and yes, he did use them!)

I've been having some fun doing Christmas projects with the girls. It's fun now that they are getting old enough to enjoy things like this. We made these little reindeer ornaments today out of their hand prints and they both thought it was pretty fun. Natalie went on to play with her scissors, scraps of paper and a glue stick. While cleaning up the scraps later, guess what I found? Yep, some lovely locks of her hair. Stinker. Thankfully, she didn't do too much obvious damage.

Here's a fuzzy one of my happy boy, just for fun :)

This was our craft last week--paper- bag-gingerbread-men-garland. I cut one for each of the girls and they colored them and then I taped them together and hung them on our kitchen island-thing.

Then I showed Natalie how to make a paper bag puppet and she named her Poppy and thought it was the funniest thing ever!
There's a short update for you! After Christmas, I will try not to be such an absentee blogger!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!