Speaking of the baby, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and once again, the size of the baby may a concern. Why do I have such big babies?? Layla was 9 lbs. 2 oz. and her shoulder got stuck. I have never been induced before and I have not had an epidural either. I'm afraid if I let them induce, it will be a snowball effect and I am scared of that. It's causing some anxiety, so your prayers would be appreciated. We'll have an ultrasound in eight weeks to check the size, so maybe it won't even be an issue, we'll see.
Lastly and very important, my hubby was cleaning out our VHS tapes the other day since we no longer have a VHS player and when he came to his not one, but TWO boxed sets of the original three Star Wars movies, he refused to get rid of either!!! Did I already say, we don't even have a VHS player??? SO, after we laughingly argued about this for awhile, he decided to put a poll up on his blog, asking whether or not he should ditch either or both. PLEASE go vote!! You will find the poll at the bottom of his left sidebar. Thanks :)