Monday, March 31, 2008
One Can Never Have Too Many Hats

Friday, March 28, 2008
Baby News!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Long, Long, Twirly Dress

On a side note, I came across a brand new blog dedicated to kids art and craft ideas. It's called The Crafty Crow, if you'd like to take a look.

Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Weekend

On Sunday we had a lovely breakfast at church and then a good Easter service. After that, we went straight to some friends' house for lunch and stayed there until we were all bursting at the seams. I apologize for the cruddy quality of the last few pics of Easter morning; I had the camera on a weird setting by accident. And also, I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of the Easter basket fun. Natalie is still carrying hers around today after sleeping with it last night.

Friday, March 21, 2008
The Incredible Non-Edible Egg

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Spring! and a Shop Update

What a wonderful first day of Spring!! It's in the air for sure, at least it is here in beautiful Colorado. I added these iPod cozies to my Etsy shop today, plus one more that's not in the picture. Take a look if you want!
We spent some time outside today, as you can see, and we plan to do more of the same after Layla wakes up from her nap. I know many people think Easter seems too early this year, but I find it lovely that it happens right at the same time as Spring's arrival. What better way to celebrate a world made new?!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Inspiration and a Must-Read

Last week, I entered an inspiration challenge hosted by Thriftin' and Craftin' and this is the scrapbook page a came up with. Every month, she'll post a new inspiration piece and those participating can create anything in any medium that was inspired by the piece. Fun, huh? You can see the super-cool mini-quilt that inspired this page here. In this page, I used her idea of the brightly colored raindrops on the brown linen background. Fun, fun.
ALSO, you can't miss this! My sister recommended to me the greatest book EVER for mommies and homemakers, called Passionate Housewives Desperate for God and it has literally changed my perspective forever. WELL, last night I was driving my cousin home after she baby-sat for us and on the radio were the authors! It was on a show called Family Life Today, but unfortunately, I arrived home shortly after they came on and it was too late for me finish listening. BUT, I got on to the Family Life website today and wouldn't ya know, it, I was able to subscribe to the podcast and so I'll get to listen to the whole thing today. Here it is, if any of you SAHM's are interested and you should be!!! :)
By the way, Becky's baby shower was yesterday and she LOVED the diaper bag. Several people told me I should have an online shop and I DO, but I'm finding it tough to sell anything from my Etsy shop because it's just so vast. Anyone else have this issue?
Saturday, March 15, 2008

I did not grow up eating potato soup, since my Mom did not like it, so I never tried it until I was an adult and now I really love it. I made a big crock-pot full yesterday and we ate it for dinner, so I thought I'd share a little non-recipe :) This is how we make potato soup around here:
Chop up a bunch of potatoes and toss them into the crock pot. (That's what Natalie's doing in the second pic.) We have a big pot and we've filled it all the way up to feed about 10 people, but last night I filled it about half full with taters to feed us and a guest. Then, chop up a bunch of carrots and celery and throw them in there too. Fill the pot with water until it just covers the ingredients, but pay attention to how many cups you're using, since next you need to put in as many beef bullion cubes as cups of water you used. Next, put 3 or 4 Tbls. of butter and some salt and pepper in to top it all off and let 'er cook for several hours. You can use your judgment on the high or low thing. Yesterday I had it on low from about 10 am until 1pm, then on high until dinner time. But, WAIT, you're not done yet! After several hours, the potatoes will be nice and soft. When that happens, drain as much water as you can from the pot and fill instead with evaporated milk until the ingredients are just covered. Let that cook until nice and hot, stirring every now and then so the potatoes get nice and mushy. Serve with chives, cheese and even bacon bits if you have them and enjoy!
P.S. Throughout my first trimester, I would get so irritated to click on certain blogs I read and find pictures of food that always looked so gross to me during that time. So, if any of my readers here are in that boat, I sincerely apologize! :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008
If I Must Say So Myself

Monday, March 10, 2008
Baby Blur and an Unconventional Recipe

But, on to the real point of this post. I had a nasty cold a few weeks ago and I'm over it, except for this constant lingering cough that's driving me CRAZY. Over the counter cough syrups just don't work, I'm absolutely sick of cough drops and most of the herbal teas out there for coughs are not safe during pregnancy. So, I got online and found the following recipe for a homemade cough remedy:
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1/4 tsp ground ginger
- 1 Tbl honey
- 1 Tbl apple cider vinegar
- 2 Tbl water
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Back to Sewing

I finally got a chance to start on this bag I promised my sister's lovely mother-in-law awhile back. I finished the front appliqué, but went to start construction this morning, only to find I am out of navy thread. Erg. I often wish I could think of a system to carry with me the colors of thread, zippers, rick-rack, etc. that I have on hand so I can buy it if I need it and avoid surprises when I'm ready to sew. I am, after all, a genius, so I'm sure if I spend some time on it, I can come up with something. Ideas, anyone?
I have random thoughts and links to share today. First, I have finally found a tea that I LOVE! This pregnancy, for some reason, I cannot stomach coffee (quite a travesty for a mommy of little ones who is dependent on the daily pick-me-up) and actually don't really like Dr. Pepper, which I used to be pretty addicted to. SO, I picked up Celestial Seasonings' Lemon Zinger and boy, is it good! Yay, a solution!
Next, Sew, Mama, Sew is at it again. Last month was quilting month on their blog and so they posted a unique quilt every day, block-a-long opportunities and more and this month they are back to posting great tutorials every day! I've already determined to try this one and this one. Give them a visit if you're in need of inspiration or project ideas.
As a former collector of tiolet paper rolls and empty Kleenex boxes, imagine my delight to find this post on Soule Mama's blog about a solution for her son's crazy collections. (This is just for fun, and especially for you, Mom.) Also by Amanda Soule, I'm anxious to get my hands on her new book. It looks wonderful and I can only find good things to read about it.
Have a good Thursday everyone! We'll be spending another day here at home, since Natalie seems to have come down with a cold. Those things sure are common! hehehe :)
Monday, March 3, 2008
Party On

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Sneak Peak

Grandma and P-Pa took Natalie with them to the store and Layla is taking her morning nap (at least that's what I'm telling myself, although I can hear her playing in there) so I find myself alone on a Saturday morning. How convenient is it that Sewing with Nancy is on, something no one else in the family ever lets my watch if they're around :)
I am awash in a Mermaid Kingdom today, as I prepare for Natalie's party. Here is the head of the mermaid cake. I know my frosting technique could use some work, but the face looks pretty good, if I must say so myself. I had to re-bake the tail part this morning, since I didn't have a real cake pan and it wouldn't flip out of the pan I was using. Do you know, it is impossible to find cake mixes that aren't "super moist"? And it's getting harder to find frosting that isn't Whipped too. These things do not work well for cakes that need to flip out of the pan and get cut into mermaid-shaped pieces! I suppose if I continue making my kids' b-day cakes, I will have to make the cake and frosting all from scratch. *sigh*
Here also is a picture of the box of decorations and activities. Here are my free tips for frugal kids' parties.
- Use fabric you have on hand to decorate tables. I have toooooonnnnns of fabric, and I have found something to go with every party I've thrown so far.
- Buy solid colors of plates, napkins, etc. Use other things to get the theme across, (like the fabric or a centerpiece) because those fancy schmancy plates and things are way too expensive to buy so many of.
- Skip the favors and do a take-home craft instead. Party favors are just a bunch of junk and the cost really adds up. I promise, these little favors end up in the trash sooner than you can imagine! And, as far as crafts go, you'd be surprised what you can do with paper plates! Try this or this.
- Plan the party at a time when a meal is not necessary and just buy snacks. This will save so much money and you won't have to worry about how many people are coming and if you ordered enough pizza!

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