My hubby became an officer in the U.S. Army and this is the paper from Washington to prove it! I am so proud of him. He works so hard for our family and wears many, many hats, including full-time student, 2nd lieutenant, UPS supervisor, loyal friend and above all, he's a wonderful daddy and husband. This is the beginning of the next chapter in our lives together, since after he graduates school next semester, we will be going back to active duty military. There were times when we didn't think we'd make it through school, but we are SO glad now that we stuck it out!

Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving weekend. Natalie was sporting a Dora band aid on her head all day, since she can't stop scratching her forehead. It's looking a lot better now, though.

This is our little friend Cloe. Her dear family lives in Mexico and is visiting for the holidays, so we got to visit with them on our way home last Saturday. Natalie and Cloe have so much fun together. They are only two weeks apart and are each other's first friend.

This is the view on the drive home on Monument Hill. There really is no place like Colorado, it's just so beautiful here.

We decorated for Christmas on Sunday and the girls love looking at all the ornaments. I had to post this picture because who can resist these baby legs????