Casey got me a great cookbook for my b-day. It's my sister's church cookbook and it is NOT a typical church cookbook! The pastor wrote an essay in the back called A Culinary Argument for the Existence of God and I have to share this quote, as I have become quite the coffee drinker since having Layla:
"Who was the first guy who figured out coffee beans? If we take these beans, cook them, grind them up, and then run really hot water through them, we get a comfort drink that tastes really nasty for the first six months. But if you persevere in the making and drinking of it, it gets to be really good. So God have us the great concept of the acquired taste--strong coffee and dark beer and black licorice."
Ah, so true. I think I speak for tired mothers everywhere when I say, Thank You Lord for coffee :) By the way, has anyone else become smitten with Starbucks' new Toasted Marshmallow Mocha or is it just me???

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