Well, my parents left to go back to Mongolia today. (We miss you already!) I thought I should get back on top of my poor blog. A few days ago, Layla got her first little tooth poking through! I can't believe how fast her first seven months have gone by!!! THEN, tonight after dinner, NATALIE WENT PEE-PEE IN THE POTTY! We've been informally working with her for several weeks and today I just left her in there reading books on the potty and when Casey looked in there, she had actually gone! So, she got a Dora sticker and some money for her piggy. Hopefully, that will motivate her to keep at it. This is a picture of her on the new Radio-Flyer tricycle Mom and Dad bought her. She loves it, it's too cute. It even has a ringy-dingy ;) She picked it up so fast, she is such a determined person and is so easily excited, it's one of my favorite qualities of hers. We took this picture of Layla a few weeks ago at the Southlands Farmer's Market. I LOVE this picture. She is truly the sweetest thing you will ever meet. She can draw a smile out of absolutely anybody. I love that about her.
It's just not fair that you have TWO totally precious smush pumpkins!!! What delightful gifts they are. Hope all is well with your family. Layla has a tooth!!??! There'll be no stopping her now. Give them both loves and hugs from me. Rita
It's just not fair that you have TWO totally precious smush pumpkins!!! What delightful gifts they are. Hope all is well with your family. Layla has a tooth!!??! There'll be no stopping her now. Give them both loves and hugs from me.