Ha! I think I'm gonna stop making excuses for my lateness or lack of more frequent blogging occasionally and just say that I'm busy. And I'll blog when I can. So there's my blanket statement for all future stints of radio silence, hehe.
But, it's better late than never, right? I had to share my kids' Halloween costumes because they were pretty darn cute. Kelby's been wearing his almost every day so the cuteness is wearing off of that one, haha.
The girls wanted to be these Monster Girls. I've had this pattern for a couple years. I quickly looked for it online, but didn't want to waste time finding it and I'm too lazy to go up my 17 stairs to get it. If you're dying to know, I'll find it ;)

Kelby wanted to be The Flash!! I couldn't find red knit fabric anywhere on the island, but I got the brilliant idea to buy a twin-size jersey sheet set from Target. I used the flat sheet for his costume and the fitted sheet is perfect for our air mattress when we need to use it :) I used a basic pants/shirt pattern and then made the hat, mask, belt, gauntlets and applique myself. I love doing stuff like this!
These are the kids with some of their neighborhood friends. Lots of girls, poor Kelby. He's been playing with the little boy next door a lot lately, so don't worry, he does have a buddy. There are 11 kids in our three attached houses alone! And all but two are girls!
I really wanted to be the Chiquita Banana Lady!! So bad. But, alas, I ran out of time and I hodge-podged together a cowgirl costume. I did happen to make my denim dress and the plaid shirt, though, so it counts as a handmade costume ;)