Last month I bought the most recent issue of
Disney's Family Fun magazine. I have never bought this magazine before, but after flipping through it and seeing several projects we could do together, I went ahead and bought it. It was SO much fun, I am thinking about subscribing now.

The first thing we attempted was the Curly Birds. After I measured the strips, Natalie did most of the cutting and both the girls did all the gluing. He's hanging from our chandelier now :)

Then, I already showed you these rainbow cupcakes I made for Natalie's party. These were pretty easy and a lot of fun for the kiddos. You can see that mine don't look as perfectly layered as the picture in the magazine. That's because that would have taken forever and my mom taught me that "done is better than perfect." It's become one of my life's mantras, hahaha :)

Also for Natalie's party, we made these little butterfly snack baggies as party favors. I loved this idea because I don't like buying a bunch of cheap favors that I know will get thrown away in a matter of days and I also don't like to give out a ton of sugar, so this was perfect! And cute :)

Then, we HAD to try these sock bunnies. I have a weird thing about using worn socks for craft projects, so I bought new, since the girls could use some socks anyway, but you could use socks you have around the house too. Stripey ones would be fun! Anyway, the girls really love these little bunnies, they've even been sleeping with them. However, I have had to reposition the neck ribbons a couple of times, since they tend to swing them around by the ears and the heads become really tiny :)

I've had so much I've wanted to blog about lately, but seem to lack the time! I have a like list on the back burner, though, as well as a like list, reader's edition, so hopefully I'll be able to post those soon. In the mean time, we're going down to Colorado City to visit my in-laws for the weekend. I'm very excited, it's like a mini-vacation for me when we go down there and a nice change of scenery for the kids, too. I bet I'll have some time to blog while we're there!