We had a nice weekend in Colorado City with Casey's family. His brother is moving his auto shop to a great new location and I didn't want to stay home by myself while Casey went to help. It's always nice to have a change of scenery once in awhile. We're going back down for Thanksgiving so I'll have another whirlwind day getting ready. It takes A LOT of effort to get all of us down there. We have to take sooo much stuff just for a few nights.
Happy birthday to my dear hubby today! The big 2-8 :)
Natalie is wearing undies on her head right now. I asked her why and she said it's her Cinderella scarf so she can go feed the chickens. Silly girl.
I know my posts have been few and far between lately, but really, can ya blame me? Besides having three little ones, the few projects I have been working on are Christmas gifts and I can't share them here yet. So, if I don't post until after Thanksgiving, I hope all of you have a blessed week and are truly Thankful for the Lord's gifts to you. If you need some help being thankful, here are some great posts about giving thanks on Femina.