Tonight I'm going to a girls' scrapbooking party at a friend's house while our hubbies are here at our house (with the sleeping babies) playing X-Box, so tomorrow I should have some great layouts to share. I'm not known for getting more than a few pages done over several hours, but I've fallen a little bit behind with the girls' books, so maybe I need to learn to speed it up a little! Anyway, around 11 pm, we're coming back here so we can watch the ball drop together and kiss our men at midnight. Hehehe.
More happy news, my Mom's in Spokane at my sister's house! Yay! (I've mentioned before, my parents live in Mongolia.) She'll be here with us in a couple of weeks, but for now, it's nice to chat with her every day while she's at Jana's.
Happy New Year's Eve everyone!!!!