These are some pictures from when we took Natalie and Cloe to the Childrens' Museum in Denver a couple months ago. They had soooo much fun, although Natalie played with the drinking fountains more than anything else :)
Here are the best of Natalie's 2-year pictures. I know there's a lot, I had to use two seperate posts because it was too hard to choose just five! Anyway, if anyone wants prints, let me know and I can add them to my next Shutterfly order. (Or you can just upload these right to your computer. Thank you Angela! They're all beautiful, as usual.
Yay! I went to St. Joe's today to see Melissa and Justin's new baby girl! She was born last night at 9:22, weighed 6 lbs, 3 oz. and was 19" long. She is soooo tiny (compared to my babies anyway :) and I think she looks just like Melissa, especially her chin and mouth. You can't see it in this picture, but she has a ton of black hair! Melissa is doing good, recovering nicely and so excited that Kinsley is finally here.
Awww. Angela just gave me a CD of Natalie's 2-year pictures that she took a few weeks ago and this one of Layla in the stroller was in there with them. Isn't it so sweet??!! Yes, she really is this cute in real life too :) After I sort through and pick some of my favorites of Natalie, I'll post those too. They are ALL great so it's hard to pick!
This is another picture of Natalie's birthday. It was on Julie's camera, but she posted on her MySpace so I got to save it from there. Anyway, after cake, Cloe was pretty clean, which is typical of her and Natalie was a complete disaster, also typical. I think Casey stuck her in the sink and hosed her down. She even had cake on the bottom of her feet and the back of her thigh :)
Last night I left the girls with Casey and went to a crop at Archiver's with Becky. Here's one of the pages I got done. I had to share because I looooove this picture of Natalie in Casey's Army hat, it really captures her silly nature :) This is the face she makes when I tell her to say Cheeese for the camera.
These are the pictures of the animals on our friends Julie's parents' farm. They live really close to Colorado City so we drove there last Saturday so Natalie could see the animals and to say goodbye to Nate, Julie and Cloe, who are heading back to Mexico, where they are missionaries. Anyway, Natalie is definitely a city girl, she was pretty freaked out. She warmed up a little to the chickens, I guess because they're smaller than her :) It was still fun, though, and the drive there was absolutely beautiful.
Here are some Easter pictures, as promised! We had a great time down in Colorado City. We had the egg hunt inside Nana and Papa's house since it was so cold outside. Natalie collected the least amount of eggs because every time she found one, she'd empty the change out and put it in her jacket pocket before moving on. Easter morning, she got her Easter basket, had tons of fun with the new Mr. Potato Head and then I put both girls in their Easter outfits and took this picture with their bunny ears on. (Thank you Aunt Carol!) We then went to church, where Natalie got even more eggs and we headed home after service. Whew! It was all so much fun, but it is easy to overlook the true point of Ressurection Day when there is so much going on. Next year, I want to try harder to make Christ's Ressurection central in our celebration, even while having fun with the eggs and baskets!
These are some pictures from our drive home after spending Easter with Casey's family. It snowed all weekend and the frost on the trees was so beautiful, even though we are all soooooo ready for real Spring to begin around here! Natalie was too pooped to party after church on Sunday, she fell asleep within minutes after getting into her car seat. "Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of...especially when they're taking a nap." More Easter pics to come!
Hi! I always wish I could show Jenn the scrapbook pages I make, so I decided to pick some recent favorites, take pics of them and post them here for her to see! The photography's not perfect, sorry! Love and miss you, Jenn!
Yay! I finallygot a picture of Layla's grin. She usually gets too distracted by the camera and quits smiling! I love this sweet smile and can't get enough of these dimples :)
This is Natalie's favorite hair- do. We like to call it Monkey Ears : ) Why are so many hair-dos named after animals? Some days I just can't get over how sweet and adorable she is and this was one of those days. Couldn't resist taking pictures ; )
Natalie's having fun, but I think Layla was a little nervous. Natalie really likes to love on Layla. She gives her hugs and kisses, sits on her head and things like that :) She tells her good morning every day, always says "Bless you, Layla!" when she sneezes or coughs and gives her kisses every night before bed. So sweet!