I really like this picture of Natalie with three of her cousins at Grandma's house over Thanksgiving. From left to right, the boys are Thomas, Alex and Joseph and they all belong to Casey's sister, Jennifer. We had a great time and really good food (thanks Becky)!
Here is a picture of Ryan and Becky's new baby! He was just a few hours old and that's Melissa holding him and Ryan, his proud papa next to him. He is soooooo cute! He was 8 lbs. 1 oz., 20" long and has a lot of black hair. I got to hold him yesterday while he was sleeping. I don't remember Natalie being so tiny! Makes me so excited for Layla's arrival : )

This is (from right to left) Jordan, Jessica and Angela and these are the aprons we made for last week's sewing lesson! Didn't they all turn out so cute? I'm so proud of my students! I'm soooooo glad that Mom taught me to sew when I was young, I think it's one of the most valuable skills she could have taught me. I'm so happy for the opportunity to pass it along.
Blessed is the mother who can hold onto her children while letting them go, Who puts a tranquil home ahead of an immaculate house. Who knows a kind act will be remembered longer than an easy word, Who really believes prayer changes things, Whose faith in the future sweetens the present, Whose Bible never needs dusting, Whoose sense of humor is alive and well.

This is a Diaper bag I made for my friend Becky's baby shower. She's having a baby boy pretty much any day now and all her nursery stuff is a jungle theme. I was thrilled with how this turned out and she really seemed to like it. Can't wait to meet little Andrew!
I loooooove this picture of Casey and me. My great friend Angela took this pic, along with probably more than half the pics you'll see on this blog! She's an amazing photographer and has started her own business! You can see her portolio here.

This is the clown costume I made Natalie for our church's Fall Festival. I had too much fun making this and she absolutely loved wearing it. She wore the hat around the house for days after until I put it away for Layla to wear in a couple years!
This is our beautiful baby girl, Natalie Paige. We call her Peanut a lot and love her sooooo much! She gets the sillies often, like her Mommy and has her Daddy's determination. Such a delight and an honor to call our own!